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Showing posts from February, 2022
 pre-production documents storyboard sitemap what's its useful for its function important features how the brief influences the document requirements, links, limitations other comments

script types and concept art

 SCRIPT The document given to production team members, telling them what movements will take place and what actions, dialogue  and expressions the actors will do. Action isd past tense, dialouge is present Also includes 'SLUG LINES' that state wether the scene is interior or exterior where the scene is shot the time of the scene. SHOOTING SCRIPT Script used to produce and develop a tv product or film, including scene numbers, camera angles, shot types and soundtrack info, aswell as dialouge. CONSEPT ART Conveys an idea in the planning atage. illistaration of a fantacy characters for a game. or concept car art. allows good representations of scene


 HOW TO EVALUATE PRE-PRODUCTION DOCUMENTS JUSTIFICATION OF CONTENT: is the content adequate for the purpose it was designed for? does it meed the needs of the client?if not the PRODUCTION CANNOT START. content can be reviewed in discussion with the client and target audience groups EVAL OF SUSTAINABILITY FOR PURPOSE DOES IT PROVIDE ENOUGH INFO FOR THE PRODUCTION TEAM TO PRODUCE 
 WHAT DOCUMENTS ARE USED TO CREATE A PRODUCT PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS after the preproduction- communicate with client. to communicate you need a proposal document. can be a word processed document or a meeting pitch. its to sell the product/give it the green light- its a high concept document PROPOSLS PROJECT DOCUMENTS ND TREATMENT DOCUMENTS PROPOSALS USALLY need to be simplistic as the audience is nontechnical but enough detail that the client is lear on what you want to create. WRITTEN proposals need more detail as its the only thing that will be seen by the client a proposal should ALTEAST include detail about the target audience clear detail about the proposed solution outline of required resorces outline of potential costs(with data) how the project can be created within the simeschale PROJECT OUTLINE DOCUMENTS THE INITIAL DOCUMENT GIVEN TO VARIOUS MEMBERS OF A PRODUCTION TEAM. PREVIDES the team with enough detail IT SHOULD INCLUDE details on the narrative resource requirements bud...


TYPES OF RESEARCH PRIMARY- You done, first person SECONDARY- found by someone else TYPES OF DATA 1. Questionaires-looks at target age group 2.interview other fashion app developers 3. surveys looking at other apps looking at fashion, celebrity (higher bar mag) gives a range of trends/celebs. helps show who can approach,  fashion blogs


  helps fix deadlines and allocate tasks, what tasks you need to do and what order they go in. everyone would have access to it.