whats good about a mid map?
easy to expand/develop ideas
can make links between ideas
whats good about a moodboard
visualisation of ideas. colour scheme, fonts etc.
its very easy to misinterpret the client breif
STRENGHTHS- good features of the client product,breif concept and your team. Things you can use to your advantage.
WEAKNESSES-Shortcomings of the client, product,breif concept and your tea. things to work around/find solutions too.
OPPORTUNITIES-Anything existing in the wider world that you can take advantage of.
THREATS-Anything existing in the wider world that poses a problem.
Together they make up SWOT
SWOT analysis of the BREIF.
- STRENGTHS- The shoes appeal to a large majority (8-14s) some equity if its an established brand
- WEAKNESSES- the breif has a lot of information (the range, the name, the logo, the contact details, the target audience, a range of camera angles, a minimum of 4 clips, up Tod ate and appealing.) in 20-40 seconds. different tastes over age range.
- OPPOTUNITIES- find the right niche.
- THREAT- rival toe shoe companies, hard industry. competitors. parents dontwant to buy desifnrr shoes if they are just going to grow out of them. inflation/cost of living
SWOT ANALYSIS is useful because...
helps find snags with the project early on, smothering out the production time.
helps evaluate potential risks
gives onsite to opportunities in your product.
simple straitforwardpoduct. no official materials needed to carry out a SWOT analysis
allows pyritisation- prevents getting carried away
allows a cohoerentoverall energy-
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